FROM: Charity Morton
My name is Charity and my husband John and I are the biggest Mets fans we know. When we met I was a "teamless wonder" and he converted me into a Met fan. I was sucked in by their enthusiasm and personality. In June of last year we had a wedding ceremony and we knew there was no other theme for us than baseball and the Mets. We had centerpieces with baseballs, Mets baseball cards, and sunflower seeds. Our colors were blue, orange, and white. We had baseball cupcakes and found a wedding topper set that was a bride and groom playing baseball. Heck my bridal photos were taken on his high school baseball field. For our honeymoon we went to NY and saw a Mets game at Citi Field. I was 5 months pregnant at the time and we decided to name our daughter "Shea". At 4 months old Shea is already obsessed with the Mets and has been to her first baseball game where David Wright signed her first game certificate and gave her a game used bat. In a few more months we are going to try to have another child and we've joke that if its a boy his name will be David Wright or Keith Howard for a boy or Ronnie Dee for a girl. We love our team and LETS GO METS!