Monday, June 21, 2010

Heating up!

Summer has officially arrived. The air is heavy; the heat is 
sweltering and The Mets are simmering.
Yes The Mets took two tough losses against The Yankees, but that 
doesn't necessarily mean they have cooled off. The Tigers are in town 
and while they
can be tough; The Mets are more than up to the task. They have Niese 
on the mound who can be a stopper.
Once again, the fans need to get out there in full force. Show your 
support. Demonstrate that you appreciate the intensity and level of 
play that the team has shown thus far.
The pressure intensifies as the heat starts to stifle and rise. It's 
time for The Mets to turn up the heat against the competition , and 
for Mets fans to turn on the spark and electrify the stadium starting 
tomorrow night.
Camille Uliano

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